Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hometown News: Bitter Cold in Buffalo

Ski country could see up to two feet of snow tonight through Friday. The record low for this date was set back in 1957 when it was minus-12 degrees. The National Weather Service says it hasn't been this cold in a couple of years and there's a slight chance at hitting that record. The temps are not expected to even reach double digits until the weekend.

Many school districts have no guidelines for cancelling school when temperatures are too cold. Hypothermia and frost bite are the biggest concerns, and Dr. Kathy Lillis at Women and Children's Hospital says only 15 minutes of exposure is enough. Dr. Lillis says injuries in children occur when preschoolers and toddlers wander outside and schoolchildren play too outside too long, when they should be inside. Dr. Lillis recommends children should use their own body to generate warmth, saying exposure to really hot items can cause further damage. Dr. Lillis says bright red skin is the onset, and white or numb skin may be a sign leading to permanent tissue damage.

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