Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hometown News: Swine Flu News Summary

Erie County health officials say they are prepared to deal with swine flu if it spreads to Western New York. So far there are no suspected cases of the disease in the region. However, Health Commissioner Anthony Billittier says they are ramping up their capabilities in case the flu spreads further. Dr. Billitier spoke with Loraine and Tom on WECK's Good Morning Buffalo.

A Cortland County man could be the first Swine Flu case in upstate. He is suspected to have contracted the illness in Mexico, and coworkers are under strict surveillance by the Madison County Health Department. Authorities are still waiting on test results.

More cases of swine flu are popping up around the New York City area. The swine flu outbreak in the Big Apple has centered around St. Francis Prep in Queens, where Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the number of cases has risen to 28. The school is closed at least until today after dozens of students became ill last week.

NYC Officials are also taking a look at possible cases at another nearby Queens school, P.S. 177, following a class trip to Mexico. In the meantime, five suspected swine flu cases are being investigated in New Jersey.

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