Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hometown News: Capital Chaos turns on Can of Coke

Governor Paterson is calling for another special session for today after a Republican state Senator created a stir in wandering into the Senate chamber to avoid a crowd. Queens state Senator Frank Padavan used the chamber as a short-cut to get a soda. Senate Democrats assert Padavan's presence gave them enough members to form a quorum of 32-votes and pass legislation. Governor Paterson is calling for an end to the game in Albany

But Governor Paterson will not recognize any of the measures Senate Democrats claimed to pass. No official business was accomplished.

Governor Paterson's standing among voters remains abysmal. That's according to the latest Marist poll, in which voters give the Democrat a 21-percent approval rating. Two-thirds of New Yorkers in the survey say Paterson is a weak leader.

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